


Companies with fewer than ten employees may receive financial assistance for the hiring of a person less than 26 years on a permanent contract or on fixed-term contracts of at least one month.

To benefit from this assistance, the person(s) hired by the company must be under 26 years.

This measure is temporary and only covers hires made between January 18, 2012 and July 17, 2012 inclusive.

The maximum amount of this assistance reaches €195 per month for the recruitment of a full-time employee at the French minimum wage (SMIC). It is progressively reduced. It becomes zero for the recruitment of employees above 1.6 SMIC.

This assistance relates to non-limited employment contract or fixed-term employment contract concluded for a period of more than one month.

In order to qualify for the assistance, the company must not have made an economic dismissal within the preceding six months on the post provided by the recruitment.

The application to obtain this assistance will be filed by the employer with the “Pôle Emploi” within three months of the start of the employment contract. At the end of each calendar quarter, the employer must send a document enabling the assistance to be calculated together with the supporting documents.

Free employment: new aid for young people in sensitive areas

Since June 29 2013, an employer has been granted financial assistance in the amount of EUR 5000 per year (divided into two installments of EUR 2500) for the hiring of a young person under 30 years who resides in a sensitive urban area and has been looking for work for 12 months in the last 18 months.

The young person must be hired on a permanent contract and full-time for the employer to benefit from this governmental assistance.

The employer must fulfill a certain number of conditions in order to benefit the assistance to young people hiring in sensitive areas. Furthermore, the employer must not already obtain aid for the same employee.

The young person employed by this contract must remain 2 years in the company and reside for at least 6 months in a zone defined as sensitive so that the employer can benefit from the totality of the aid.